What the bible says about horoscopes and astrology

Although heavily laden with psychological terminologgy, astrology is firmly
planted in the occult. It is a form of divination, the use of ungodly
supernatural forces or the reading of omens for "hidden" information.

The occult always seeks hidden meaning below the surface or in patterns that
have no apparent meaning beyond the obvious. Astrological symbols are woven into
other occultic arts such as tarot cards, palmistry, numerology, the use of
sorcery and the Qabalah.

Many astrologers are involved in these or other
occultic practices in addition to their astrological work.
Practicing astrology enhances powers, often brings on supernatural
experiences to the reader and the client, and increases interest in the occult.

Astrology, although scientifically faulty and often incorrect, seems to work often
enough to impress both the astrologer and the client.

Astrology likes to pass itself off as a scientific and psychological tool,
ignoring its roots in pagan worship of the stars and in occultism.

The Bible condemns divination and worship of the heavens, both of which
astrology is a part.
1. Occult divination and reading omens is condemned in Deut. 18:9 - 12 and
Daniel 5:7a. The Hebrew words "ashshaph" and "gzar" used in these and other
Old Testament passages translate as "conjuror", "enchanter", "soothsayer"
"astrologer". Often the translation into English as "conjuror" or
include those who practised astrology.

2. Astrology originated in worship of the stars and heavens which is
in Deut. 4:19, 17:3 and Acts 7:42.

3. Seeking guidance from astrology or any type of divination can replace
seeking God for advice and is condemned in Daniel 2:27 - 28 and Isaiah
Astrology is explicitly condemned in the latter passage.

4. Astrology is not 100% accurate and is therefore not of God as described
Deut.18:21 - 22.

Because astrologers and those who consult them are attracted to the
spiritual beliefs of astrology, scientific arguments against astrology are
futile. Debates and verbal criticisms of astrology will not convince,
the battle is spiritual. Attacks usually serve to confirm to astrologers
others cannot understand the esoteric importance and meaning of the art due
ignorance. Astrologers believe higher spiritual laws explain the success and
value of astrology.

Astrologers, like the followers of the New Age, base truth primarily on
experience. Having witnessed astrological charts provide some accurate
information, astrologers and their clients are convinced the chart is
based on spiritual and mystical universal laws. The problem is that they do
not understand these "laws" are operating on demonic supernatural power.

Despite this deception, there is often hidden frustration in the fact that
constant chart readings and insights usually do not yield more than a
temporary improvement or respite. Other problems replace earlier personal
triumphs. The incessant emphasis on self becomes empty. The quest for
self-fulfillment and spiritual satisfaction only leads to a constant
searching, and a thirst that can only be quenched by the living water of
Christ (John 4:14).